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Protect Yourself From Burglary - Tips And Tricks From The Pros


The statistics are sobering: every fifteen seconds, a home burglary occurs. And it only takes one minute for a burglar to gain entry to a home. In that time, thousands of dollars worth of items can be stolen. And while no burglary prevention method works 100%, knowing these tips from those who have been unfortunate victims can go a long way to preventing burglary at your home.

The experts say that people can be your best defense against burglary. What that means is talking to your neighbors about any expected arrivals at your home, such as deliveries. If they are keeping an eye out for your property, it's more likely they'll notice if something is amiss. The same is true for when you are planning to go away on vacation.

Most people don't appreciate being watched closely and obviously. But that can be a good thing when you become the quintessential 'nosy neighbor'. While walking the neighborhood, don't be afraid to let others know that you are watching them. It can also help to keep track of license plate numbers.

There are many security systems that people swear by. But how many really work? One good example is having a dog. While you may think a big dog is a threat to a potential burglar, it may actually be easier to subdue than a small and nervous dog who barks constantly.

Those looking to avoid paying a lot of money will sometimes turn to fake security cameras to try and fool potential burglars. But unless they look realistic, these can be a waste of time and money. The actual cost of a security system may be significant up front, but monitoring can often cost less than $20 per month.


Motion-activated lights and cameras can do a lot to deter the would-be burglar. Nothing is less desirable than having a bright light shone on an attempt to break into a home, or proof in a court room setting that someone tried to gain access.

The interpretation of body language, or kinesics, is not that difficult when you know what to look for. And when you understand the actions associated with telling a lie, you can more easily spot someone that you can't trust.

Fidgeting is probably the number one indicator of lying. When a person feels restless, this will manifest itself in fidgeting. Fidgeting can take many forms, from biting nails to smoothing the hair, or even repeatedly wiping a counter.


Someone who repeatedly asserts their honesty could be lying, as those not telling the truth will do their best to emphasize their honesty.

Are you able to make eye contact with the person in question as you speak with them? If they are unwilling to make eye contact, this could indicate a mistruth.

There are many other signs which indicate that someone may not be telling the truth. But sometimes, relying on your gut instinct can be enough to stop lying and burglary before it even begins.

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